Welcome to Newspaper House!
The car park is to the left of the building: please use the MAIN ENTRANCE at the front of the building
(the side door is for staff and deliveries only)
Press the Cheshire Electrolysis buzzer on the left wall inside the door to be admitted.
If the inner door is already open, please buzz anyway so I know you’ve arrived, thanks!
Making an appointment is simple with our online booking system
Can't get the date you want? Use the waitlist, which will notify you if a space becomes available (not guaranteed, sorry).
Click Here
NHS clients are still being accepted, through the GIC referral process.
Health and Safety Notification:
- Cheshire Electrolysis is situated on the first floor of the building and accessed by a staircase:
the building has no lift or alternative means of access.
- The treatment bed has a maximum load-bearing capacity of 133kg/21stone/294lbs, which cannot be exceeded.
Opening Hours:
Monday: NHS Clinic
Tues: 12pm – 8pm
Wed: 10am – 8pm
Thurs: 10am – 8pm
Fri: 10am – 3pm